• Koffman for president.

    Election 2000

    My platform is simple.

    Only the government we have to have.

    Only the taxes we need to pay.

    Only the rules we should implement.


    What government should be.

    I believe the government should do only what the individual can not.

    No one is intitled to free food, housing, clothing, or anything else. As a caring nation though we should help thouse who have fallen along the path of life.

    There are things one person can't do aloan:

    Fight crime, and fires, defend the nation, educate our children, go to the moon, and so on.

    There are things the government will never be able to do:

    Nurtchure families, hug our young and old, build a community, offer solis to the diying and the like.

    "To preserve, protect, and defend the consitution of the United States of America from all thereats bouth foriegn and domestic."

    What exactly does that meen? I belive it meens:

    1) A strong military to defend us from atack.

    2) A strong and fare legual systom to protect the victoms of crime, punish thouse that would break the law, and setil civel disputes.

    3) Let people be what they want.